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Christian Kromme

The AI Mindset

AI Leadership & AI Skills


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Develop a holistic future perspective on leadership, organisations and work


Future-Proof Mindset


Mindset is everything! In this keynote, world-renown futurist Christian Kromme will teach you the simple, step by step strategies to Future-Proof your Mindset. After seeing this keynote, you will be able to anticipate and surf future waves of change. You will have a future-proof mindset and see the waves of change as opportunities instead of threats. You will able to act and navigate with confidence in times of extreme uncertainty.

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Topics that will be covered during the Presentation


  1. Future-Proof Mindset Introduction
    What is a Future-Proof and holistic Mindset? And why is it so important to have? What is your current mindset? How to change your mindset?
  2. Change Your World Mindset
    What are the thriving forces behind the societal, organisational and technological change? How to anticipate and use these forces? 

  3. Change Your Organisational Mindset
    What do organisations of the future look like? How are they structured, and how do they behave? What is the role of human beings?
  4. Change Your Technological Mindset
    How do converging exponential technologies evolve and how will they impact society, our organisations, your job and your personal life?
  5. Change Your Personal Mindset 
    What does it mean to be a human being in times where machines are getting smarter daily? How do we lead live and work?
  6. Connecting The DOTS
    Let it sink in. Connect the dots and start to see your world from a completely new and holistic perspective. Start shaping your desired future.
  7. Industry Related Technology Trends
    Experience the latest technological trends in your industry.


Does this sound like you?

  • Our world is changing rapidly, and my business should change rapidly as well, but I don’t know what the future will look like.

  • What is the best strategy for my organisation? Our organisation is transforming rapidly, and many jobs are being automated, what skills should I develop to stay relevant?

  • Many organisations and jobs are being disrupted by increasing technology. Therefore I see technology as a treat instead of an opportunity. How can I change my mindset and perspective?

  • Due to covid19, we have to go digital. But how can we stay human at the same time?

  • I understand that digital technologies offer countless opportunities, but how can I leverage these powerful technologies?

  • I’m curious what the future will look like and what my role will be in this future.


Do you want to:

  • Develop new business models and strategies that are Future-Proof and able to leverage new technologies.

  • Develop a new Future-Proof mindset and skills that enable you to stay relevant in this fast digital world.

  • Develop new Future-Proof products or services that can disrupt traditional competitors.

  • Learn how to go digital and stay human at the same time.

  • Learn how I can leverage new exponential technologies to fulfil my purpose in life.

  • Be inspired by new insights about consciousness, technologies, business models and endless possibilities.


Imagine if:

  • You would be able to anticipate future waves of change and use these waves in your advantage.

  • You would be able to see things differently and spot new opportunities in new markets.

  • You would be able to predict and spot disruptive trends in your industry, market or niche.

  • You could develop a strong vision of the future and help other people and organisations.

  • You could inspire your colleagues and customers with your future vision.

  • You could feel more certain about critical strategic choices in your life or business.

Keynotes customized and tailored for your industry?


Christian is a futurist and trendwatcher who speaks about the impact of exponential technologies like AI on organizations, people, and talents. Christian tailors his presentations to your audience’s specific industries and needs.


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